Thursday, 23 August 2012

Cheap Long Term Payday Loan

If you go out in the market or browse online to find a cheap long term payday loan, you will definitely end up disappointed. For a long term payday loan is simply impracticable as would become clear from further facts expounded herein. In order to fully comprehend why cheap long term payday loan is not viable, it's essential to understand the concept of payday loan or cheap loan till payday first.

Cheap Payday Loan " An Explanation

A payday loan comprises small amounts. These amounts range from $100 to $1000 or so. As the figures themselves indicate these loans are meant for small but very often crucial needs of people. These needs could be payment of school / college fee of your kids or bills, which if delayed, entail fines as well as cause damage to your credit score. Such needs often present themselves 10-20 days before your next payday. By this time, mostly a large part of the money received against your last pay is exhausted. So you need assistance till you receive your next pay. The whole concept of payday loan is woven around these needs between your two paydays.

A payday loan is an unsecured loan i.e. no collateral is required for obtaining this kind of loan. Now this means high risk for the lender. Due to high risk, the annual interest rate for these loans is high. However, over the years, rate of interest on payday loans has reduced significantly. With a decrease in the rates of interest, the payday loan has come to be referred to as cheap payday loan. Especially with the advent of cheap online payday loan, the complete processing is now being done through Internet. Most of the online payday loans do not require any documents to be faxed. That's why this type of payday loan is popularly known as no faxing cheap payday loan.

Why Is Long Term Payday Loan Not Feasible Then?

As already expounded above, a payday loan is meant to be taken and repaid between your two successive paydays. Thus, the usual duration of payday loans is 7-15 days. Also payday loans being unsecured loans entail a relatively high rate of interest. Payment of interest at such interest rates over a short period is both logical and rational. However, such high rates would translate into ridiculous amounts to be paid as interest over longer periods of time. So to put it plainly, cheap long term payday loan is simply not logical.

People benefit from payday loans only when they are availed over short periods of time. Even flipping or rolling over of payday loans is not advisable. By extending the natural or prescribed duration of payday loans, they may be called cheap long term payday loans, but they cease to be cheap anymore.


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Hey fellas !! The name is Villa Azelea - Yalikavak. I am staying at Las Vegas. I am turning 35. My school's name is The Wonderful Prep School of Beautiful Education in Virginia Beach. I want to become a Documentalist. My hobby is Paintball. My dad name is Josh and he is a Medic. My mummy is a Manicure.
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